
Hi there - welcome! I'm Debbie. I am an artist, scrapbooker, stamper, general paper crafter kind of person. I also love to read and occasionally make some jewelry. My passions change as time goes by, but mostly they are grounded in paper. 

Currently I am doing some of my own book binding. You never know what may come next. I love trying things out, old and new. Playing around artistically is so much fun!

I am also Mom and Wife. My family comes first in my life, and always will. A few other, random things I enjoy: cooking (most days!), singing, I am an alto in a Methodist Church Choir, and silliness (I love to laugh). 

I am mostly a city dweller, although I did a 7 year stint in the country on 40 acres!

I have a degree in Behavioral Science, which always makes for interesting conversations! I did take a couple of years of art classes in college; some of the classes I remember the most!

I hope you join me here - grab a cup of whatever you prefer - coffee, martini, lemonade, etc. - and snoop around. I love company!